Kindness.Pay it Forward

Watching the above video made me realise that there are people out there who portray kindness in their life no matter what or where the situation is..other choose to hide the situation above.Well,people will always have their own views and reasons.If only Humanity have kindness naturally instilled in their minds and hearts,Im sure this world would be a better place to live in.
As for now,we can take good example of this video.and let this be a lesson for all of us.

Never underestimate the power of STRONG WILL!!!

Very Inspirational and Motivating!!

A very nice cover from our very own Singaporean Irwan Azly feat. Cassidy Anderson!!

Some people just wanna test ur patience.well,i shall not stoop to
Their level and just walk away.

My family received a bad news today...Cant believe its happening.I hope Allah will protect my grandma till she returns to HIM.

Dont u ever bad mouth me!!!i will break yr nasty mouth!!!

Seriously i feel like punching her face for accusing me!!i cant believe my own relative accuse me of something i didnt do..and to make things worst!!my mum actually believe her!!f^*+ing shit!!!!!

Who the fuck u think u are to accuse me!!!!!!!!!

My greatest hope.

One day.Insyallah.

Not a bad thing afterall!!

Two days ago,I received a bitter news that me and 9 other colleagues of mine are going to be retrenched.
I was immediately sadden by the news given by my manager that I will be leaving this company in a months time with no retrenchment package given.I was sad ,angry and frustrated.

But after speaking to my colleagues and loved one,with their advice and motivation, I realised that it wasnt such a bad thing that it happen to me.

"Hey, im still young and can still look for other jobs with a better prospect and secured!!Thats what I told myself. I mustnt give up hope or else i will be failing not only on myself,but also those who cared about."

I believe my retrenchment from HP has a blessing in disguise.Well,its a matter of time i guess the company will let go of more staff and those who stay,good luck to them as their workload will increase!!I take into positive this incident and shall use the experience I gained in these two years to secure another better paying job!!

                           As the saying goes"LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE

I would like to say a special THANK YOU!! to my dearest Rina for her endless support and everlasting motivation to me!!It has help me a great deal in overcoming this episode in my life...thank u dear!!

My life,my plans and my future.

I have been thinking a lot about my future this past week...esp knowing that HP is at the brink of its downfall with its $US8.9 Billion loss...and is expecting to cut manpower by 15,000 by 2014..and management has already confirmed that my department will let go 90 people by the end of this year. :(( so far 10 people of my colleagues had been laid off..$8.9b-loss-on-expected-charge/

Whatever it is, I have begin to look for another job..but none of replied me so far.Insyallah with the help of God Almighty,hopefully an opportunity will arise soon.Patience.

Been also thinking of my dear Rina so much everyday,I begin to miss her so much...even tho we spend sometime together this week,I wanna spend more quality time with her and eventually tell her what my plans are in this relationship.She has mean so much to me in my life...with all her advice and motivation given.Honestly speaking,I dont really say all this to her but deep inside me,my heart is filled with such affection and emotion.

Dear Allah,I love her so much deeply that I don't wanna hurt her feelings or annoy her in any of my words or actions...Please lead us in your blessing so that this relationship will last forever in your guidance.

         Im willing to  lose my job but please,I do not wanna lose my other half...

I don't see any arrogance in that phrase, maybe I'm blinded by pride but i believe you misinterpret it or took it out of context. Remember that phrase was coined by a great warrior who tells his fellow countrymen not to give up defending or to forget their roots. If that's is wrong? Then I don't know what's right anymore.

I can look gullible and stupid at times.but dont take me as a fool to be on deaf ears when someone insults u directly in yr face!!

Call me mushy,sweet talker etc...but im have been missing my dear rina so much ive been thinking about her all day/night for the past few days!!been a while since we last met due to our busy schedules but I know we will meet up soon..

Missing u badly....:-((

Tears rolled down my cheeks.Hands held high in prayers.Thinking about all the SINS i did and asking for forgiveness.
I felt so weak knowing that I did not make full use of this Ramadan to get full blessings and forgiveness from God Almighty.
The holy month is about to end and is going to leave us soon.I dearly hope I can get to meet the holy month next year.Insyallah.How i miss Ramadan.,...:-((

With this in mind,I shall continue my prayers for Allah S.W.T to guide me in this journey of life,to become a better person to my family,friends and loved one.

وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَقُولُ رَبَّنَآ ءَاتِنَا فِى ٱلدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةًۭ وَفِى ٱلْءَاخِرَةِ حَسَنَةًۭ وَقِنَا عَذَابَ ٱلنَّارِ

And of them there are some who say: "Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire!" 
 Al-Baqarah (2:201)

Quotes to ponder(courtesy of

BKK filled with love!!

 What a trip it was!!!

All the laughter,picture taking,cooking in our hotel room and not to mention the FUN we had!!!
Im glad I took leave to spend quality awesome time with my dearest..*winks*.and thanks to Nad for accompanying my dear on this trip.
I seriously cant wait for our next trip..maybe PERTH in December!!!wohooo!!!DOWNUNDER!!!


“People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
… Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
… Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
… Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
… Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
… Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
… Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
… Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
… Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.”

Pre-trip anxiety!!

Two more days to BKK trip with my dear.CANT WAIT!!!*super excited mode on*

Ya Allah!Please guide me to become a better and more patient person!!
And please protect all my loved ones!!
 Ya Allah!!to You I ask for forgiveness and to You I submit all my doubts and worries.

Not just a pretty face.

i LOVE this pic so much!!!Shes not just a pretty face but someone with a pretty heart.
Im just blessed to have her in my life.

Tripping on BKK

Wohoo!!!finally my 1st vacation wif her to BKK!!*super excited mode on*!! Flights and hotel booked!!now the countdown begins!!

terrible tuesday!!

Tragic tuesday.Terrible tuesday!!
Whatever u called couldnt be any worst!!
Came late for work this morning...eventually my alarm was on silent mode this morning(i wonder why!!)
got a message from her this morning.was suprised to know what came next.her good intention of a bday message turn into something bitter for her to swallow.
She was deeply hurt by that thus affecting me in my work could such a person replied such harsh words and accusations to her!!DAMN YOU A$$^^&8!!
Well,such angst reminds me of my past..only those who knew me back in my poly and NS days knew of things i am capable of.I do not want history to repeat itself where violence is the answer.Being mature now,I know"IGNORANCE IS BLISS"I shall not explain what happen but I just hope she will forget this whole saga as soon as possible cause deep down,i am somehow hurt.
BUT Question keep playing in my mind. The "How's"& "Why's".
Seriously today was a day im willing to truly affected by this..time to erase this day...


Quote from rina's blog"Butterflies in my stomach when I feel touched by your sweet gestures.

Thks for putting in effort, knowin I am a very DIFFICULT person. :)". When i read her blog,all i can think of is how ive changed a lot to become a more understanding and patient person..and i dont care how difficult she are..The reason why im puttin in all the effort because she means more than the world to me..and that i love her a lot..and since i know her..ive learnt a lot in becoming a better person and the things i should to improvise on this relationship..and for that i cant thank u enough my dear shahfah rina!! Hope she reads this post soon!! :-p


In life,sometimes when we are busy with our troubles and worries,we tend to overlook the one subject that keeps us going on in this life.Religion and Faith.
For me personally,I seldom talk about religion with my friends and family.But that doesnt mean I am not interested in what I believe in.Trust me,after living in this world for about 28 years,I have seen things and ask myself questions why such and such things happen in this world.With that,I came to find out that with each dying question,faith and religion has always an answer to it.

I am not to preach about my faith but it is just something I wanna share with people around me about what I believe in.
To understand about Islam,is to first understand what the word 'ISLAM' means.It is derived from the word 'Salam"meaning peace and when put into the word 'ISLAM' it means religiously submission to One God.

So ISLAM is all about the basis of putting peace into mind body and soul.ISLAM is not just about praying five times a day.It is more than that.ISLAM is a way of life with understanding and practices.It is through the holy book,the Al-Quran and the Al-Sunnah(the words and practices of our prophet Muhammad) ((peace be upon him)) that we learnt and put these words into practice to run our daily lives.

With these,i remind again that my purpose for this topic is not to preach but just to share.I believe everyone is free to choose their own faith and belief.

I just hope that my faith towards my religion will be stronger as I pursure this life of challenges and success.
I strongly believe that the practices of Islam will definately help me along the way in becoming a better person.

Hands Down

Breathe in for luck
Breathe in so deep
This air is blessed
You share with me

This night is wild
So calm and dull
These hearts they race
From self control

Your legs are smooth
As they graze mine
We're doing fine
We're doing nothing at all

My hopes are so high
That your kiss might kill me
So won't you kill me
So I die happy

My heart is yours to fill or burst
To break or bury
Or wear as jewelry
Whichever you prefer

The words are hushed
Let's not get busted
Just lay entwined here

Safe in here from
All those stupid questions
"Hey did you get some?"
Man, that is so dumb

Stay quiet
Stay near
Stay close, they can't hear
So we can get some

My hopes are so high
That your kiss might kill me
So won't you kill me
So I die happy

My heart is yours to fill or burst
To break or bury
Or wear as jewelry
Whichever you prefer

Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember
I'll always remember the sound of the stereo
The dim of the soft lights
The scent of your hair
That you twirled in your fingers
And the time on the clock

When we realized it's so late
And this walk that we shared together
And the streets were wet
And the gate was locked
So I jumped it
And I let you in

And you stood at your door
With your hands on my waist
And you kissed me
Like you meant it

And I knew
That you meant it
That you meant it
That you meant it
And I knew
That you meant it
That you meant it

tripping disaster!

What a trip it was to which i wanna forget ASAP!!Why u ask??
All is ruined coz my sister lost her bag containing our camera,her hp,wallet and passport.Lost it at the beach while we were having fun...
Had to make a police report and had to go to KL to make a statement at Singapore Embassy..
God,its been so long that my family went holiday together and now this has to happen..!!
I wanna forget this....
But alhamdulilah,we came home safe and sound.

Now the recovery process.

Love Language!

Thanks to her for asking me to take the love language test.Guys,please do take the test if u want.

Through this test,I have learnt something about myself today.Understanding & Appreciation.

To really love someone,firstly is to understand the characteristic of the person well enough as to know what is her likes and dislikes.Though this is a basic part of a relationship,We(in particular,Me!) tend to overlook that factor.Most of  us thought we have really understand a person till we screw something up like irritate or in today words,piss off the other party and be ignorant about it.Then when things like this happen,we wonder...WHY?Simply because we lack to understand the characteristic of that person.Well,it takes time to know someone you might say...True enough,through the course of time and to so called study the person and to find out more about the person u love,I strongly believe that this main factor will be a strong catalyst to a good relationship.

Another main factor is to show our affection and appreciation to our loved one.It can be a simple gesture like carrying her shopping bags,treating her to a nice meal and the list goes on and on.This is a basic factor which goes along with the 1st point.Comes understanding,Appreciation will play along as we show that we treasure the person we love with actions and words.

Reason why I brought up this topic is because myself for example,I can be very ignorant about the things I do that might hurt my dearest Rina.Seriously,it can be that bad...Why u ask?Maybe because its been so long that I have been in a relationship(Some of my frens would know that),I do not how to show my affection and appreciation to rina.
But Alhamdulilah after my dear rina highlight some key factor about me,Ive realised that I got to change this attitude and character of mine for the better of this relationship.
I want to make this relationship and Im confident enough that I will prove to her how serious I am in this relationship.Surely hiccups is bound to happen and I can only pray that Allah SWT will guide me along.

Alhamdulilah.God has shown me and given me someone whom I believe can make me a better person in life.As I go along in this relationship,I will and ensure this happiness of OURS will last eternally.Insyallah.

P.S 2nd time I post this peekture simply coz I love this pic!!Awesome!!

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